As I awoke to the rainy remnants of Hurricane Irma in northwest North Carolina this morning, I had a mixture of thoughts. One was an overwhelming understanding of God’s grace and a deep gratitude for life  and its simple pleasures. As we have all seen pictures of the desolation and destruction that a hurricane can bring, it does bring upon us a deep feeling of vulnerability and hopefully humility. As one news anchor said this week, “it makes you realize that mankind is small in comparison to these storms.” However, that is an understatement. As scripture says, “What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” (James 4:14) This storm is small in comparison to the wrath yet to come upon those who refuse to repent. It is a holy reverence to receive instruction in this matter. God is God and how is it that He has shown His mercy? May we stand in thanksgiving if we are found in the grace of Jesus Christ. May our hearts overflow with gratitude to the goodness of God. May it not stop there but overflow through our lives as living sacrifices as we take the message of the great gospel to the nations. “For while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)