What is it like to live by the Law?

In 2007, Equire Magazine editor AJ Jacobs published The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. Jacobs, an ethnic Jew (though he describes himself as being “as Jewish as Olive Garden is an Italian...

Christ Our Passover

As we look as a congregation at the Passover in Exodus 11-12 we see God delivering a people, separating them from Egypt and then setting them apart as a holy people. This is done through a doorway. This door as He instructed the people of Israel was to be covered in...

Will you accept the invitation?

This post originally appeared on Pastor Rob’s blog, RobLaughter.com. Suppose you received an invitation to a party thrown by a well-known and respected host. The invitation contains all of the details about the party: the host, the location, and how to get to...

What’s your excuse?

This post originally appeared on RobLaughter.com. Have you ever made excuses for something that you knew you should do, but you just didn’t want to? “I really should work out more, but I’m not going to stick with it anyway, so why bother?”...

Young Leaders of the Bible: Part 2

This post originally appeared on Pastor Rob’s blog, RobLaughter.com In our last post, we looked at three young leaders from the Old Testament. Each of these young leaders were called by God to be used for great works in His plan for redeeming mankind. In...